Monday, November 12, 2018

A Cute Book

Book to organize ATCs

Recently I started swapping on Craftster again.  It has been around three years since my last swap, so I needed to get organized!  Last time that I swapped ATCs I was constantly trying to remember who and what I was swapping.  So instead of using plain white envelopes, which I kept losing, this time I created a book.  The book is very simple to make and I used odds and ends for it.

First I selected six pieces of paper in four different colors and folded them in half creating a page that was 5.5 inches by 8.5.  Next I folded the page again so it was 5.5 by 6.0.  The page now had a 2.5 inch pocket to store ATCs and lists.  To finish the pocket I taped the edges with double sided tape.  So that gave me 24 pages in four colors with pockets.

ATCs book spine. 
Inside of cover.

This book has two interesting features that most don't.  Usually each page, called a signature, are sewn together to create a book.  But for this book each signature is sewn separately.   When finished each of the 24 signatures are slipped onto a long ribbon.  The separate signatures give the book the ability to be adjusted.  So you can put bulky items in the pockets.  The second unique feature of this book is that the signatures can be added or removed.  This makes for a evolving book. 

How to sew the signatures.

To make a sewing template use a piece of card stock the   length of the books spine and 1 inch deep.  For this project the template was 6 inches by 1 inch. Next fold the template in half so it is 6 inches by 1/2 inch.

When I make a sewing template I start by marking at 1/2 inch from each edge and then 1 inch in from the edge.  Next comes the ribbon marks.  I lay the ribbon next to the 1 inch mark and place a new mark beside the edge of the ribbon.  This mark is important because it needs to be loose enough so that the ribbon moves smoothly but tight enough that the spine isn't wonky.  Then I do the same marking on the other side of the template.  Now if you want to use a third ribbon, you can add those marks also.  After marking the template you will poke holes at each mark using an awl or needle.  Be very careful when punching the template, use something thick under template so you don't hurt yourself.  

To punch the signatures line up the template with the signature spine.  When punching the signature make only tiny holes to start. 

Choosing a thread and needle is easy.  Use a non stretchy thread and a needle that has a big enough eye for your thread.  Using a sharp needle helps open the small holes just be careful and use something thick under the signature when sewing.  Use the template to make holes in each signature.

Now it is time to sew!
The sewing is really easy.  The trickiest bit is to pierce in the fold of the signature.  If you made the holes small you can adjust the hole size with your needle.  Here are some helpful pictures.


To start sew from the outside of the signature to the inside leaving a long thread.

Pierce the paper about 1/4 inch from the first hole bringing the needle back to the outside.  Then tie a knot with the two threads.

After finishing the knot, sew the needle back through the first hole.  The needle will be inside the signature again.  Leave the string end for decoration. 

Sew from the inside through the 1 inch hole (second pierced hole) to the outside.  This brings the sewing to the ribbon space.  Lay the ribbon beside the needle thread and make sure the ribbon fits between the second and third holes.

If everything fits sew to the inside using the third hole.

Now you have created a loop on the outside of the signature. This is where the ribbon will be threaded to hold the book together. Sew from the inside to the outside the signature using the fourth hole and then back inside through the fifth hole.  The second ribbon loop is made.

Sew through hole number six from inside to the outside of the page.  Make a hole about 1/4 inch from the end of the page.  Sew the needle through this new hole to the inside and back through hole number six again.  Tie a knot to end the sewing for the signature.  Cut the thread length to match the first knotted thread.

Now to put the book together.  The ribbons are pulled through two outside loops that were created when sewing the signatures.  If you are having difficulty running the ribbons try cutting the ribbon at an angle or even gluing the ribbon end.  Once dried the glued ribbon end is a lot stiffer and easier to thread under the loops.

When you have the pages threaded on the ribbon the next step is to create the front and back covers.

The covers are simple.  Take two 8.5 x 11 pieces of card stock.  Fold each in half creating a cover that is 5.5 x 11.  Using the sewing template for the signatures make holes inside the fold of the covers.  Then sew the covers exactly like the signatures and slip them onto the ribbons on each side.  At this point I would just glue the cover to itself making a thicker cover.  But for this project I left the covers unglued and made some pockets with some scrapbooking paper.  

The rest of the book is decoration.  The butterflies were cut from cardstock that was printed with clip art.  Then I glued the butterflies onto the cover and curled their wings to give it some dimension.  Then I sewed a homemade button to the cover.  I made a loop for button and then glued it inside the back cover.  Hopefully this will help me organize myself and inspired someone to make their own book.

This has been the first post in a while.  Please let me know if anything I've written isn't  clear.  I hope you try this book it really is easy.

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